The Republican front emerges as the big winner of this election, which implies that the government will have to be formed by a coalition to ensure its survival.
Emmanuel Macron calls on Republican forces to form a strong majority
Emmanuel Macron published a letter in the regional daily press on Wednesday, July 10, in which he invites “Republican forces” to build a broad coalition. The president notes that no political force alone obtained a sufficient majority following the legislative elections. He therefore encourages parties that recognize themselves in republican institutions, the rule of law, and a European orientation to discuss forming a strong and diverse majority. He takes into account the clear demand for change and power-sharing expressed by voters to appoint a new Prime Minister.
Reactions to Emmanuel Macron’s statements
Reactions to Emmanuel Macron’s statements are numerous. The National Rally, as well as some members of the left such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Olivier Faure, Marine Tondelier, Fabien Roussel, and others, have expressed their indignation, accusing the head of state of refusing to recognize his defeat and taking refuge in denial. However, the left itself seems to be in denial, as despite coming out on top, it did not win a sufficient majority to govern alone. To form a stable government, a coalition ranging from socialists to LR through the center bloc would be needed.
Preventing the far-right from coming to power
The clear message that emerged from the ballot boxes on the evening of the second round of elections is that the majority of French people refuse to see the far-right come to power. Voters from different political backgrounds voted for parties they are not usually affiliated with because the defense of republican values outweighs partisan differences. The Republican front is the real winner of this election, and it is up to political leaders to unite to form a stable government and avoid a surge of the far-right in 2027.
Article Source: Francetvinfo
Pascal Petibon, born in 1980 in Lyon, is a renowned journalist and author, passionate about information and communication. After earning a degree in journalism from the University of Paris, he quickly joined various editorial teams, where he became known for his sharp analysis and clear writing style.