What sanctions for the perpetrators of racism: insults, violence, discrimination…?

Racisme : injures, violences, discriminations... Quelles sanctions pour les auteurs ?
          À l'approche des élections législatives, de plus en plus de propos et actes racistes sont dénoncés.

As the legislative elections approach, an increase in racist speeches and behaviors is observed and increasingly criticized.

“The freedom of speech after the elections”

Journalist Karim Rissouli shared a racist letter he received at his home, while Mohamed Bouhafsi exposed the racist messages he receives on social media. In addition, a motorist threatened and injured a bus driver in Val-de-Marne. These recent incidents suggest an increasingly unapologetic racism within society.

Since the European elections, marked by the rise of the National Rally, testimonies from racialized individuals report insults and even violence. For example, Divine Kinkela was subjected to racist insults by RN militants in Montargis. The victim stated that the elections had unleashed racist speech, giving immigrants the feeling of not being welcome in France.

The vice-president of the Occitanie region recently filed a complaint following a racist message received on the region’s website. The law provides for sanctions against authors of racist and hateful comments. But what are they really risking?

What are we talking about?

According to the official website of the French administration, racism is defined as the manifestation of hatred towards a person because of their physical appearance or national or ethnic origin. Antisemitism is a form of racism directed against Jews.

Reports, investigations and statute of limitations

Racism, whether manifested through injurious, discriminatory, or violent statements or actions, is prohibited by law. Victims can file complaints and racist content on the internet can be reported. Criminal penalties vary depending on the severity of the comments and acts.

Racist violence and aggravating circumstances

Racist violence can be physical or moral, and is manifested through injurious, violent, or discriminatory words or actions. The sanctions depend on the severity of the injuries suffered by the victim, and racist intent constitutes an aggravating circumstance.

A lire aussi  Kemi Seba, a well-known Pan-African activist, was recently stripped of his French nationality. In addition to his Beninese nationality, he also has French nationality.


Racial discrimination consists of disadvantaging a person because of their physical appearance or national or ethnic origin. It can result in prison sentences and fines, depending on the circumstances.

Source of the article: Francetvinfo

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