The President of Inirr ensures that there is no systematic link between the victim and the perpetrator of pedocriminality.

Pédocriminalité : "On ne peut pas établir de lien systématique entre le fait d'avoir été victime et d'être auteur", assure la présidente de l'Inirr
          Le journal "Le Parisien" a révélé qu'un pédocriminel, agressé sexuellement dans son enfance, a touché 60 000 euros de la part de l'Inir, l'Instance nationale indépendante de reconnaissance et de réparation dans l'Eglise. La présidente conteste tout "effet miroir" dans cette décision.

According to information revealed by the newspaper “Le Parisien,” an individual convicted of acts of pedocriminality received a sum of 60,000 euros from the Inir, the National Independent Instance for Recognition and Reparation within the Church. This revelation sparked strong reactions and was vehemently contested by the president of Inir, who denies any form of “mirror effect” in the attribution of this compensation.

A pedocriminal sexually assaulted by a priest receives compensation of 60,000 euros

An individual who was sexually assaulted by a priest during their childhood received a sum of 60,000 euros from the National Independent Instance for Recognition and Reparation (Inirr) of the Church. The lawyer of this individual explained in a publication of the newspaper Le Parisien, dated Monday, July 15, that Inirr recognized a phenomenon called the “mirror effect” in the life of their client. According to this interpretation, they would have committed acts of sexual violence due to the assaults they suffered during childhood. However, Marie Derain de Vaucresson, president of Inirr, disputed this notion of a mirror effect by specifying that it was not taken into account by Inirr.

Jean-Yves Schmitt was a victim of sexual assaults by a priest, Félix Hutin, between the ages of 12 and 15 in a high school in Bourg-en-Bresse, in the 1960s. This priest had been convicted several times for acts of pedocriminality, including a 10-year prison sentence in 2004. Today, Jean-Yves Schmitt is undergoing psychiatric follow-up at his own expense, as highlighted by his lawyer.

A reparation justified by serious and lasting facts

Marie Derain de Vaucresson explained that Inirr only intervenes for victims within the Church during their childhood, and that only these individuals are considered. She specified that Inirr examines the entire life of the individuals concerned, but that it is not always possible to establish a link between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator of violence. She also recalled that most abused children do not themselves become abusers.

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In the case of 73-year-old Jean-Yves Schmitt, the compensation of 60,000 euros was justified by the fact that he was a victim of serious and lasting assaults during his childhood and adolescence. The decision of Inirr, explained in a letter seen by France Inter, does not mention the mirror effect.

Revelations of serious acts within the Church for many years

Jean-Yves Schmitt’s lawyer emphasized that it is the first time that the Church has recognized that victims of priests can in turn become abusers due to the behavior of priests towards them. He expressed gratitude towards the Church for its financial willingness and for recognizing the serious events that have taken place within the Church for many years.

The lawyer also criticized the French judicial system for prosecuting and convicting his client without taking into account the underlying reasons for his behavior. He pointed out that the 60,000 euros in compensation will not be able to make up for his client’s personal losses, such as the loss of his family and emotional ties.

Since March 2022, 1,453 people have approached Inirr, and 969 individuals have been supported by the instance, with 679 receiving financial compensation ranging from 9,000 to 60,000 euros. Source of the article: Francetvinfo

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