The left is carried away by Olympic fever despite its initial criticisms.

JO de Paris 2024 : sceptique voire critique avant le coup d'envoi des Jeux, la gauche succombe à la fièvre olympique
          Les Jeux olympiques de Paris entrent dans leur deuxième et dernière semaine de compétition. Une moisson de médaille pour les tricolores accompagnée par la ferveur des supporters… et des députés. Critiques en amont, de nombreux élus de gauche finissent par se joindre à la liesse populaire.

The Paris Olympics are now in their second week, and this also marks the final week of competition. French athletes have won a large number of medals, which has sparked a lot of excitement among supporters and even some members of parliament. Despite initial criticism from some left-wing politicians, they have finally joined the wave of joy and celebration that has swept the country.

The Olympics as seen by Sandrine Rousseau

Before the start of the Olympics, the Green party deputy Sandrine Rousseau expressed doubts about the event’s consequences in terms of carbon footprint, social impact, and gender equality. However, she got caught up in the Olympic atmosphere, whether in front of her television or in the stands of the Olympic venues. “I think we also needed this moment of national unity,” she admits.

“Chauvinism is not quite the same as nationalism.”

Sandrine Rousseau, Green party deputy

to franceinfo

According to her, the focus has shifted from nationalism, a theme of the far-right during the legislative elections, to chauvinism. “Chauvinism is not quite the same,” she explains. “Behind a champion, we are not entirely rational in the support we provide to him or her. It’s not narrow-minded nationalism but support for a national collective.”

The Green party deputy also highlights the training conditions of French athletes for the Olympics: “Many athletes we admire and worship during competitions, the rest of the year, are below the poverty line. There is something that will need to be questioned after the Games, it’s essential.”

For Aurélie Trouvé, a member of the rebellious party on leave, what matters is also the assessment after the Games. She admits to being captivated by the events, spending several hours each day watching them. According to her, this passion is compatible with political awareness: “It’s not because I applaud Léon Marchand that I can’t denounce the fact that, in Seine-Saint-Denis, in my constituency, there will be no additional swimming pool even though we already struggle to take our children to the pool.”

The deputy coordinates a popular inquiry commission for the rebellious party, an informal initiative on social and environmental effects. This process will continue after the Paris Games.

Source of the article: Francetvinfo

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