The coastal departments of Nouvelle-Aquitaine on maximum alert for rip currents tomorrow and Saturday.

Les départements littoraux de Nouvelle-Aquitaine concernés par un "risque maximal" de baïnes demain et samedi
          Cette alerte concerne les plages des Landes, des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, de la Gironde et de la Charente-Maritime.

There is currently an alert for beaches located in the departments of Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Gironde, and Charente-Maritime.

Alert for rip currents on the coast of Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Authorities in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region have classified Friday and Saturday as “maximum risk days for rip currents” on the coast. This alert concerns the beaches of Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Gironde, and Charente-Maritime. It comes just before the start of the summer holidays for students.

Rip currents are invisible and dangerous water holes that form on the surface. Every year, swimmers are swept away by these ocean currents and drown. Therefore, the prefectures of the coastal departments of Nouvelle-Aquitaine emphasize the importance of caution. They advise bathers to swim between the flags of the surveillance stations for their safety.

During this summer period, it is essential to take precautions and be wary of rip currents. It is recommended to follow the instructions of local authorities and remain vigilant during any water activity. Everyone’s safety is paramount, and it is essential to respect the rules in place to avoid any accidents.

Article Source: Francetvinfo

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