L'ex-maire de Canteleu est relaxée des accusations de complicité de trafic de drogues
          Si le tribunal a noté un "affaiblissement des garde-fous déontologiques" de Mélanie Boulanger, il a en revanche considéré qu'il n'y avait dans le dossier aucun "acte positif" susceptible de caractériser une complicité.

The former mayor of Canteleu acquitted of complicity in drug trafficking charges

The court found that Mélanie Boulanger’s ethical standards were weakened, but also emphasized that no concrete evidence established her complicity in this case. Mélanie Boulanger Acquitted The court of Bobigny decided on Thursday, July 4, to acquit Mélanie Boulanger, former mayor of Canteleu (Seine-Maritime), of the charges of complicity in drug trafficking. Despite noting a…

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