Les chefs du NFP rencontreront "ensemble" Emmanuel Macron le 23 août, confirme Fabien Roussel
          Le secrétaire national du Parti communiste français a également indiqué que les membres du NFP ont demandé à ce que Lucie Castets soit présente avec eux.

The leaders of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) plan to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron on August 23. Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party, has confirmed this information. He also mentioned that NPA members have expressed the desire for Lucie Castets, an important figure in the party, to be present at this meeting.

The national secretary of the French Communist Party also mentioned that members of the NFP expressed a desire for Lucie Castets to accompany them to their meeting. Meeting between the Nouveau Front Populaire and Emmanuel Macron The leaders of the Nouveau Front Populaire will meet Emmanuel Macron on Friday, August 23, as confirmed by Fabien…

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Enfant disparu à Berck : un corps de petite taille retrouvé sur une plage, "vraisemblablement" celui du garçon
          Un petit garçon de 10 ans avait disparu jeudi après s'être baigné avec deux autres enfants, près de Berck, dans le Pas-de-Calais.

A small body found on a beach in Berck, likely that of the missing boy.

Last Thursday, a 10-year-old child disappeared after being last seen swimming with two other children around Berck, in the Pas-de-Calais department. A body found in Stella-Plage, probably that of the boy missing in Berck A small body was discovered by a bather on Saturday, August 17th in the afternoon in Stella-Plage, Pas-de-Calais, “presumably” that of…

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    "Nous étions quatre et eux plus d'une centaine", un village palestinien en Cisjordanie horrifié par l'attaque de colons juifs
          Selon les habitants de Jit, les assaillants venaient d'une petite colonie voisine de leur village proche de la ville palestinienne de Naplouse.

A Palestinian village in the West Bank horrified by the attack of Jewish settlers: report on a community in shock

According to testimonies from residents of Jit, the attackers came from a small settlement located near their community, not far from the city of Nablus in Palestine. Attack by Jewish settlers on the village of Jit in the West Bank The Palestinian village of Jit, located in the occupied West Bank, was targeted in an…

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Aux Etats-Unis, un homme emprisonné à tort pendant 48 ans obtient 7 millions de dollars de dédommagement
          Glynn Simmons, 71 ans, avait initialement été condamné à mort en 1975 pour le meurtre d'un employé d'un magasin de spiritueux, lors d'un cambriolage à Edmond. Sa peine avait été ensuite modifiée en prison à vie.

An innocent man who was imprisoned for 48 years receives a compensation of 7 million dollars in the United States.

At the age of 71, Glynn Simmons was convicted of murdering an employee during a burglary in Edmond in 1975. Initially sentenced to death, his sentence was eventually commuted to life imprisonment. Man exonerated after 48 years in prison An African-American man, 71, will receive a compensation of $7.15 million (6.52 million euros) after spending…

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L'Europe doit "se préparer" en vue d'une hausse des cas de mpox, met en garde une agence sanitaire européenne
          La forte augmentation des cas liés à cette épidémie, notamment en Afrique centrale, a poussé l'Organisation mondiale de la santé à déclencher mercredi son niveau d'alerte le plus élevé au niveau international.

Europe must prepare for an increase in mpox cases, warns a European health agency.

The World Health Organization made an important decision on Wednesday in response to the rapid spread of this epidemic, particularly in Central Africa. Indeed, the number of cases related to this disease has seen a significant increase in recent weeks, alerting international health authorities. This situation has led the WHO to trigger its highest level…

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De la cocaïne retrouvée dans une corde d'escalade par des policiers français, deux suspects interpellés
          Les deux personnes interpellées sont soupçonnées de trafic international de cocaïne.

Two suspects arrested for international cocaine trafficking after the discovery of the drugs in a climbing rope by French police officers.

Authorities have arrested two individuals as part of an investigation into an international drug trafficking network. The suspects are suspected of being involved in cocaine trafficking abroad. Two individuals arrested for international cocaine trafficking Last week, two individuals were arrested for their alleged involvement in an international cocaine trafficking network fueled by mules from Brazil….

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Une plainte déposée après la mise à mort d'un jeune taureau aux arènes de Beaucaire
          La plainte de l'association Alliance Anticorrida dénonce les conditions de mise à mort de l'animal qui ont indigné les associations de protection animale mais aussi le public et la communauté de toreros.

A complaint filed following the killing of a young bull at the Beaucaire arena by the Alliance Anticorrida association

The Anticorrida Alliance has filed a complaint against the conditions of killing animals during bullfights, sparking outrage from animal rights activists, the general public, and the bullfighting community. The Anticorrida Alliance files complaint after the death of a bull in a bullfight in Beaucaire The Anticorrida Alliance has lodged a complaint with the public prosecutor’s…

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Guerre entre Israel et le Hamas : la Défense civile de Gaza fait état d'au moins 90 morts dans une frappe sur une école
          "Il y a des dizaines de blessés supplémentaires", a précisé le porte-parole de la Défense civile, samedi. Il a ajouté que l'école al-Tabi'een, qui hébergeait selon lui "des déplacés palestiniens", a été visé par trois frappes.

Deadly attack on a school in Gaza: at least 90 dead according to Civil Defense

According to information provided by the spokesperson of the Civil Defense this Saturday, many additional injuries have been reported following three strikes targeting the al-Tabi’een school. The spokesperson stated that this place was sheltering Palestinian displaced persons. Deadly Strikes on a Gaza School The Civil Defense in the Gaza Strip administered by Hamas announced on…

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JO de Paris 2024 : accusé d'agression sexuelle, un athlète égyptien a été placé en garde à vue à Paris
          Selon une source proche du dossier, les faits ont eu lieu devant le Café Oz, dans le 13e arrondissement de Paris.

An Egyptian athlete accused of sexual assault has been placed in police custody in Paris, according to a source close to the case.

According to a well-informed person, the incident took place near Café Oz, located in the 13th district of the French capital. An Egyptian athlete arrested for sexual assault in Paris A man identified as a wrestler and member of the Egyptian Olympic delegation participating in the Olympic Games was arrested on the night of Thursday,…

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Disparition du rugbyman Medhi Narjissi : sa famille se rend en Afrique du Sud et le stade Toulousain ouvre une cellule psychologique
          Le joueur de 17 ans a été emporté par une vague alors qu'il se baignait avec des coéquipiers au Cap de Bonne-Espérance.

Medhi Narjissi’s family travels to South Africa after his disappearance, Toulousain Stadium sets up a psychological support team.

While he was with his teammates at Cap de Bonne-Espérance beach, a 17-year-old player was swept away by a wave while swimming. Disappearance of Medhi Narjissi: Stade Toulousain reacts The young rugby player Medhi Narjissi, aged 17, is missing after being swept away by a wave in South Africa. The French Rugby Federation announced this…

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Le Pérou promulgue une loi prescrivant les crimes contre l'humanité commis avant 2002
          Ce texte devrait profiter à l'ancien président Alberto Fujimori et à des centaines d'autres officiers accusés d'exactions pendant le conflit interne des années 80 et 90.

A new law in Peru benefits those accused of crimes against humanity before 2002.

This measure should benefit many people involved in the crimes committed during the internal conflict of the 80s and 90s, including former president Alberto Fujimori. Peru enacts a law declaring crimes against humanity before 2002 prescribed On Friday, August 9, Peru adopted a law declaring crimes against humanity committed before 2002 prescribed. This law states…

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