Le militant panafricaniste Kemi Seba privé de sa nationalité française
          Ces dernières années, ce militant, qui a également la nationalité béninoise, a organisé ou participé à plusieurs manifestations hostiles au franc CFA en Afrique, où il a été régulièrement interpellé, expulsé ou refoulé.

Kemi Seba, a well-known Pan-African activist, was recently stripped of his French nationality. In addition to his Beninese nationality, he also has French nationality.

Over the past few years, this human rights defender, who also holds Beninese nationality, has been involved in organizing or participating in various protests denouncing the CFA franc in Africa. On several occasions, he has been arrested, deported, or expelled during these hostile events. A Beninese Pan-Africanist activist deprived of his French nationality Beninese Pan-African…

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Législatives 2024 : âge, nationalité... Quelles sont les conditions pour devenir député ?
          En France, chaque élection a ses règles bien définies : le mode de scrutin, le nombre de tours, ou encore le corps électoral appelé aux urnes. Qu'en est-il des conditions pour être candidat aux législatives ?

Conditions to become a Deputy in the 2024 Legislative Elections: age, nationality… What are they?

In France, elections are governed by specific rules that determine the voting system, the number of rounds of voting, and the people eligible to vote. But what about the criteria to be met in order to run as a candidate in legislative elections? Controversy around candidates in early legislative elections Once the candidates for the…

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