Aux Etats-Unis, un homme emprisonné à tort pendant 48 ans obtient 7 millions de dollars de dédommagement
          Glynn Simmons, 71 ans, avait initialement été condamné à mort en 1975 pour le meurtre d'un employé d'un magasin de spiritueux, lors d'un cambriolage à Edmond. Sa peine avait été ensuite modifiée en prison à vie.

An innocent man who was imprisoned for 48 years receives a compensation of 7 million dollars in the United States.

At the age of 71, Glynn Simmons was convicted of murdering an employee during a burglary in Edmond in 1975. Initially sentenced to death, his sentence was eventually commuted to life imprisonment. Man exonerated after 48 years in prison An African-American man, 71, will receive a compensation of $7.15 million (6.52 million euros) after spending…

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JO de Paris 2024 : seulement 85 plaintes pour faux billets sur dix millions de places vendues
          Un réseau dirigé depuis le Cameroun a été démantelé pour un préjudice total de 15 000 à 20 000 euros. Mais il n'y a finalement eu que très peu d'escroqueries concernant les billets des Jeux olympiques.

Only 85 complaints for counterfeit tickets out of the ten million tickets sold for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

An organization based in Cameroon has been dismantled for causing financial losses estimated between 15,000 and 20,000 euros. However, it should be noted that the number of scams related to Olympic tickets was quite limited. Fears for the Paris 2024 Games The Paris 2024 Games raised fears of fraud with fake entry tickets that could…

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Une saisie de drogue d'une valeur de 25 millions d'euros en Guadeloupe
          Près de 800 kg de cocaïne et 26 kg de cannabis ont été retrouvés par les gendarmes.

Important drug seizure worth 25 million euros in Guadeloupe: 800 kg of cocaine and 26 kg of cannabis seized by the gendarmes.

Authorities made a significant seizure during an operation led by the gendarmes: nearly 800 kg of cocaine and 26 kg of cannabis were seized. This discovery demonstrates the effectiveness of law enforcement in the fight against drug trafficking. The narcotics were found in a clandestine warehouse, putting an end to the illicit activities of the…

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Au Bangladesh, les inondations font au moins huit morts et deux millions de sinistrés
          Le gouvernement du pays a déclaré avoir ouvert des centaines d'abris pour les personnes déplacées, et envoyé de la nourriture et des secours aux territoires du nord les plus durement affectés.

Floods in Bangladesh cause eight deaths and two million affected, the government takes emergency measures.

The country has announced the establishment of numerous shelters to accommodate displaced persons, as well as the sending of food and relief supplies to the northern regions most affected by the crisis. Floods in Bangladesh leave eight dead and more than two million affected The recent floods in Bangladesh have had tragic consequences, with at…

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