Les chefs du NFP rencontreront "ensemble" Emmanuel Macron le 23 août, confirme Fabien Roussel
          Le secrétaire national du Parti communiste français a également indiqué que les membres du NFP ont demandé à ce que Lucie Castets soit présente avec eux.

The leaders of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) plan to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron on August 23. Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party, has confirmed this information. He also mentioned that NPA members have expressed the desire for Lucie Castets, an important figure in the party, to be present at this meeting.

The national secretary of the French Communist Party also mentioned that members of the NFP expressed a desire for Lucie Castets to accompany them to their meeting. Meeting between the Nouveau Front Populaire and Emmanuel Macron The leaders of the Nouveau Front Populaire will meet Emmanuel Macron on Friday, August 23, as confirmed by Fabien…

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"Info ou Intox" : Non, le New York Times n'a pas appelé Donald Trump à se retirer de la présidentielle
          Un édito du New-York Times virulent contre Donald Trump qui demanderait son retrait ? Une nouvelle gaffe de Joe Biden dans un discours ? Attention à ces fausses informations.

False information: The New York Times did not call for Trump to withdraw from the presidential election.

It is important to remain vigilant against misleading information circulating on the Internet. For example, an accusatory editorial from the New York Times against Donald Trump or a supposed gaffe by Joe Biden during a speech may be fake news. It is crucial to verify the accuracy of information before sharing it, in order to…

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