États-Unis : "Joe Biden est dans le déni total", affirme le politologue Denis Lacorne
          Interviewé par la télévision américaine, Joe Biden a assuré être en état de remporter l'élection présidentielle. Invité du 12/13 info, Denis Lacorne, politologue et spécialiste de l’histoire politique des États-Unis, estime que son entourage lui masque la réalité.

Denis Lacorne claims that Joe Biden is in complete denial regarding the presidential election in the United States.

During an interview with American television, Joe Biden expressed confidence in his chances of winning the presidential election. However, according to Denis Lacorne, a political scientist and expert in US political history, the Democratic candidate’s entourage could be hiding the reality of the situation from him. Indeed, it seems that some members of his team…

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