Une plainte déposée après la mise à mort d'un jeune taureau aux arènes de Beaucaire
          La plainte de l'association Alliance Anticorrida dénonce les conditions de mise à mort de l'animal qui ont indigné les associations de protection animale mais aussi le public et la communauté de toreros.

A complaint filed following the killing of a young bull at the Beaucaire arena by the Alliance Anticorrida association

The Anticorrida Alliance has filed a complaint against the conditions of killing animals during bullfights, sparking outrage from animal rights activists, the general public, and the bullfighting community. The Anticorrida Alliance files complaint after the death of a bull in a bullfight in Beaucaire The Anticorrida Alliance has lodged a complaint with the public prosecutor’s…

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Disparition de Lina : sa plainte pour viol réétudiée
          Le parquet de Saverne, dans le Bas-Rhin, département où a disparu l'adolescente il y a près de quatre mois, a annoncé lundi avoir procédé à une "nouvelle étude juridique de la procédure".

Review of Lina’s rape complaint in the case of her disappearance

The public prosecutor’s office of Saverne, located in the Bas-Rhin department, announced at the beginning of the week that a legal review of the procedure had been initiated regarding the disappearance of the teenager that occurred approximately four months ago in this department. A reexamined complaint The public prosecutor’s office of Saverne announced that a…

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François-Xavier Bellamy dépose plainte contre Rima Hassan pour "des menaces", après un tweet de l'eurodéputée LFI
          Cette décision survient après un message posté sur les réseaux par la militante franco-palestinienne, mercredi soir. Elle y mettait en garde "François-Xavier Bellamy et ses petits copains, proches du régime génocidaire israélien".

François-Xavier Bellamy files a complaint against Rima Hassan for “threats” following a tweet from the LFI MEP.

Following a message posted on social media by a French-Palestinian activist, a decision was made on Wednesday night. In this message, she warned against the involvement of François-Xavier Bellamy and his close allies with the genocidal Israeli regime. It was in reaction to this statement that the decision was made. François-Xavier Bellamy takes legal action…

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Législatives 2024 : la candidate divers droite en Creuse, Valérie Simonet, porte plainte pour cyberharcèlement
          Valérie Simonet, arrivée troisième au premier tour des élections, a choisi de se maintenir au second tour et assure recevoir des messages d'intimidation sur les réseaux sociaux.

Cyberbullying: right-wing candidate Valérie Simonet in Creuse files a complaint.

Valérie Simonet, who came in third place in the first round of elections, has decided to persevere and remain in the race for the second round despite the intimidation messages she claims to be receiving on social media. Valérie Simonet files complaint for cyberbullying Valérie Simonet, a right-wing candidate and president of the Departmental Council…

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