De la cocaïne retrouvée dans une corde d'escalade par des policiers français, deux suspects interpellés
          Les deux personnes interpellées sont soupçonnées de trafic international de cocaïne.

Two suspects arrested for international cocaine trafficking after the discovery of the drugs in a climbing rope by French police officers.

Authorities have arrested two individuals as part of an investigation into an international drug trafficking network. The suspects are suspected of being involved in cocaine trafficking abroad. Two individuals arrested for international cocaine trafficking Last week, two individuals were arrested for their alleged involvement in an international cocaine trafficking network fueled by mules from Brazil….

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Une plainte déposée après la mise à mort d'un jeune taureau aux arènes de Beaucaire
          La plainte de l'association Alliance Anticorrida dénonce les conditions de mise à mort de l'animal qui ont indigné les associations de protection animale mais aussi le public et la communauté de toreros.

A complaint filed following the killing of a young bull at the Beaucaire arena by the Alliance Anticorrida association

The Anticorrida Alliance has filed a complaint against the conditions of killing animals during bullfights, sparking outrage from animal rights activists, the general public, and the bullfighting community. The Anticorrida Alliance files complaint after the death of a bull in a bullfight in Beaucaire The Anticorrida Alliance has lodged a complaint with the public prosecutor’s…

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Deux hommes retrouvés morts dans un hangar dans le Nord, un différend entre motards envisagé par la gendarmerie
          Les deux hommes retrouvés dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Aubigny-au-Bac étaient membres ou proches d'un club de motards. Un différend au sein du club est une piste envisagée par les gendarmes, d'après une information de France Bleu Nord.

Two members of a motorcycle club found dead in a hangar in the North: a dispute between bikers considered by the gendarmerie

According to information from France Bleu Nord, the two individuals discovered on Saturday night in Aubigny-au-Bac were closely or loosely connected to a biker club. Authorities consider the possibility of an internal conflict within this club as one of the leads to be explored in order to understand the circumstances of this case. Two men…

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Haute-Garonne : un homme de 28 ans tué par un gendarme après un refus d'obtempérer
          Trois enquêtes ont été ouvertes. Les gendarmes, hospitalisés pour le moment, seront placés en garde à vue.

A 28-year-old man killed by a gendarme in Haute-Garonne following a refusal to comply: three investigations opened.

Three investigations have been launched following the incident. The gendarmes involved have been taken to the hospital for treatment and will then be placed in custody to be questioned about the circumstances of the incident. Death of a 28-year-old man after a gendarme shot in Fenouillet: opening of three investigations A 28-year-old individual lost his…

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