Présidentielle américaine : Barack Obama annonce qu'il soutient Kamala Harris
          "En début de semaine, Michelle et moi avons appelé notre amie Kamala Harris", a tweeté vendredi Barack Obama, après le retrait de Joe Biden à l'élection présidentielle américaine.

Barack Obama announces his support for Kamala Harris in the American presidential election.

On Friday, Barack Obama shared on Twitter that earlier in the week, he and Michelle had been in contact with their friend Kamala Harris, following Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race for the American presidential election. Barack Obama voices support for Kamala Harris for the 2024 American presidential election Barack Obama spoke out…

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Présidentielle américaine : Joe Biden "est dans un moment très difficile et inédit, où il doit regagner la confiance de son propre camp"
          Le président américain, qui a paru fragilisé et amoindri lors d'un débat face à Donald Trump, a tenté de rassurer ses électeurs vendredi dans une interview télévisée.

Joe Biden must regain the trust of his own camp in a very difficult and unprecedented moment in the American presidential election.

During a televised interview broadcast on Friday, the American president sought to reassure his supporters following his performance in a debate against Donald Trump that was judged to be unconvincing. He seemed weakened and diminished during the exchange, but wanted to show that he was still able to defend his beliefs. Joe Biden defends his…

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