Législatives 2024 : trois nouvelles mises en examen après l'agression de Prisca Thevenot et de son équipe de campagne
          Il s'agit de trois mineurs, notamment poursuivis pour "violences aggravées par la réunion et l'usage d'une arme".

Three new indictments in the case of the assault on Prisca Thevenot and her campaign team during the 2024 Legislative elections, including three minors charged with aggravated assault.

Three young minors are facing legal proceedings for acts of “violence aggravated by gathering and use of a weapon”. Three minors indicted for the assault on the government spokesperson Three minors have been charged by an investigating judge following the assault on the government spokesperson, Prisca Thevenot, and two members of her campaign team on…

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Agression de Prisca Thevenot : les deux suspects sont mis en examen, le majeur placé en détention provisoire et le mineur sous contrôle judiciaire 
    (nouvelle fenêtre)
          C'est ce qu'a annoncé le parquet de paris, vendredi soir.

Two suspects indicted in the assault of Prisca Thevenot: the adult in pre-trial detention and the minor under judicial supervision.

The main suspect, who is 20 years old, already has two criminal records, while the minor, who is 17 years old, has been convicted of offenses related to theft and possession of a weapon. Two people implicated in the assault on Prisca Thevenot under investigation The two individuals involved in the attack on Prisca Thevenot,…

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