A Gaza, un premier cas confirmé de polio depuis 25 ans, l'ONU réclame des "pauses humanitaires" pour vacciner les enfants
          La maladie a été diagnostiquée chez un bébé de 10 mois qui n'avait pas été vacciné, selon le ministère de la Santé palestinien.

A case of polio confirmed in Gaza after 25 years, the UN calls for humanitarian pauses to vaccinate children.

According to Palestinian health authorities, an unvaccinated 10-month-old infant has been affected by the disease. First case of polio confirmed in Gaza The Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health announced the confirmation of the first case of polio in Gaza. This highly contagious disease, which affects the nervous system and can lead to irreversible paralysis within…

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De la cocaïne retrouvée dans une corde d'escalade par des policiers français, deux suspects interpellés
          Les deux personnes interpellées sont soupçonnées de trafic international de cocaïne.

Two suspects arrested for international cocaine trafficking after the discovery of the drugs in a climbing rope by French police officers.

Authorities have arrested two individuals as part of an investigation into an international drug trafficking network. The suspects are suspected of being involved in cocaine trafficking abroad. Two individuals arrested for international cocaine trafficking Last week, two individuals were arrested for their alleged involvement in an international cocaine trafficking network fueled by mules from Brazil….

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Disparition du rugbyman Medhi Narjissi : sa famille se rend en Afrique du Sud et le stade Toulousain ouvre une cellule psychologique
          Le joueur de 17 ans a été emporté par une vague alors qu'il se baignait avec des coéquipiers au Cap de Bonne-Espérance.

Medhi Narjissi’s family travels to South Africa after his disappearance, Toulousain Stadium sets up a psychological support team.

While he was with his teammates at Cap de Bonne-Espérance beach, a 17-year-old player was swept away by a wave while swimming. Disappearance of Medhi Narjissi: Stade Toulousain reacts The young rugby player Medhi Narjissi, aged 17, is missing after being swept away by a wave in South Africa. The French Rugby Federation announced this…

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Emmanuel Macron réaffirme "l'engagement indéfectible" de la France auprès du Liban, quatre ans après l'explosion meurtrière du port de Beyrouth
          Plusieurs marches doivent converger vers le port de Beyrouth, dimanche, pour rendre hommage aux victimes du drame et réclamer des comptes aux responsables, l'enquête étant au point mort.

Emmanuel Macron reiterates France’s unwavering support for Lebanon, four years after the deadly explosion at the port of Beirut.

On Sunday, many marches are planned to converge towards the port of Beirut to pay tribute to the victims of the tragic event and to demand that those responsible be held accountable, as the investigation seems to be at a standstill. Emmanuel Macron reaffirms France’s commitment to Lebanon Emmanuel Macron reiterated, on Sunday, August 4,…

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Après la mort d'un jeune de 19 ans des suites d'une rixe près de Mâcon, cinq personnes ont été placées en garde à vue
          Parmi ces cinq personnes se trouve "la jeune fille" qui aurait fait l'objet d'une rivalité, a dévoilé dimanche la procureure de la République de Mâcon.

Five people in custody after the death of a 19-year-old during a brawl near Mâcon, including “the young girl” involved in a rivalry, reveals the prosecutor.

During a press conference held on Sunday by the public prosecutor of Mâcon, it was revealed that one of the five people involved in the case was a young girl who was at the center of a rivalry. Five individuals were arrested following the death of a 19-year-old man during a fight in Prissé (Saône-et-Loire)…

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L'adolescent interpellé à la frontière franco-espagnole et suspecté d'être impliqué dans l'incendie mortel à Nice va être déféré devant un juge
          Il ne reste qu'un seul fugitif après l'incendie qui s'est déclaré dans un immeuble à Nice entre le 17 et le 18 juillet, causant la mort de sept personnes.

A teenager suspected of being involved in the deadly fire in Nice will be presented before a judge after being arrested at the French-Spanish border. This fire, which occurred between July 17 and 18, claimed seven lives and now there is only one fugitive remaining on the run.

During the fire that occurred in a building in Nice between July 17 and 18, the tragedy struck hard, causing the loss of seven lives. Unfortunately, there is now only one fugitive left to find after this drama that has shaken the lives of many families. A minor suspected of being involved in the deadly…

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Disparition de Lina : des fouilles ont commencé en Alsace pour retrouver l'adolescente, un suspect s'est suicidé après la saisine de sa voiture 
    (nouvelle fenêtre)
          Selon une source proche du dossier, il s'agit de recherches sans indication précise de localisation pour savoir où chercher, et cela, dans un large secteur. L'adolescente de 15 ans avait disparu en septembre 2023 en Alsace.

Research has begun in Alsace to find Lina, a missing teenager, a suspect committed suicide after his car was seized.

According to a well-informed source, the ongoing search to find the 15-year-old teenager who disappeared in Alsace in September 2023 is taking place without any specific location indication. The main suspect in this case, a 43-year-old man, took his own life on July 10. Search in the Vosges to find Lina Search operations were carried…

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Loiret : une mère de famille poursuivie pour "homicide involontaire", suspectée d'avoir oublié son bébé dans sa voiture
          Quand les enquêteurs se sont rendus sur place, mardi, ils ont relevé une température de 62°C à l'intérieur du véhicule, indique France Bleu Orléans.

A mother from Loiret prosecuted for “involuntary manslaughter” after forgetting her baby in her car.

When investigators arrived at the scene on Tuesday, they found a temperature of 62°C inside the car, as reported by France Bleu Orléans. Investigation for “involuntary manslaughter” The prosecutor’s office in Orléans has opened an investigation for “involuntary manslaughter”, as learned by France Bleu Orléans on Tuesday, July 30. A mother is suspected of having…

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Présidentielle américaine 2024 : Kamala Harris promet de ne pas "rester silencieuse" sur la situation à Gaza après avoir rencontré Benyamin Nétanyahou
          La vice-présidente a demandé jeudi au Premier ministre israélien de conclure un accord de cessez-le-feu et a appelé à la création d'un Etat palestinien.

Kamala Harris commits to not staying silent on the situation in Gaza after her meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu.

On Thursday, the Vice President urged the Israeli Prime Minister to implement a ceasefire agreement and advocated for the establishment of a Palestinian state. A change in American policy towards Gaza? A turning point seems to be emerging in American policy towards Gaza. Indeed, Kamala Harris has committed to not remaining passive in the face…

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