Samuel Paty’s sister has decided to go to the administrative court in Nice.

Assassinat de Samuel Paty : sa sœur saisit le tribunal administratif de Nice pour que la responsabilité de l'État soit reconnue
          Selon l'avocate de la sœur de l'enseignant assassiné en 2020, l'un des objectifs est que "l’État en tire les leçons" afin de mieux protéger le corps enseignant.

According to the lawyer representing the sister of the teacher tragically murdered in 2020, one of the priorities is for the authorities to take appropriate measures to ensure better protection of teaching staff. She emphasizes the importance for the State to learn from this tragedy to prevent such a situation from happening again in the future.

Mickaëlle Paty brings the case to the administrative court of Nice

According to Mickaëlle Paty’s lawyer, she has decided to bring the case to the administrative court of Nice. The sister of Samuel Paty, tragically murdered by a terrorist in October 2020 in the Yvelines, seeks to obtain recognition of the State’s responsibility in this murder.

In a press release consulted by Franceinfo on Wednesday, July 10, Mickaëlle Paty’s lawyer, Carine Chaix, explains that the appeal was filed so that the State could be held responsible for not having supported or protected Samuel Paty, and thus preventing the death threats against him from materializing. She emphasizes that this action aims to restore justice for Samuel Paty and his family, while hoping that the State will learn from this tragedy to better support the teaching staff and prevent violence within schools.

An appeal motivated by the lack of response from the authorities

Mickaëlle Paty decided to file this appeal after receiving no response from Matignon, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of National Education to a letter she had sent them last March. According to Carine Chaix, this lack of response within the legal deadline of two months resulted in an implicit rejection, prompting Mickaëlle Paty to seek justice.

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In her letter to the authorities, the sister of the murdered teacher denounced the numerous errors committed by the administration. In particular, the inaction of the school and the rectorate after a student’s false accusation. A 13-year-old girl had claimed that Samuel Paty had excluded Muslims from his class to show the Charlie Hebdo caricatures, even though she was absent that day and the school later became aware of it without issuing a public denial. Furthermore, the rectorate allegedly downplayed the death threats against Samuel Paty, merely sending a secularism adviser to remind him of the rules instead of taking the situation seriously.

Source of the article: Francetvinfo

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