Request for dismissal filed by the defense of the French rugby players accused of rape in Argentina

Rugbymen français accusés de viol en Argentine : la défense va déposer une demande de non-lieu lundi
          Cette demande intervient quelques jours après la remise en liberté des deux joueurs internationaux, le lundi 12 août, près d'un mois après leur arrestation.

A few days after the two international players were released on Monday, August 12, a request was made. This happened almost a month after their arrest.

French rugby players accused of rape request dismissal

The lawyers of Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou, two French rugby players charged with rape, will file a request for dismissal for their clients. This information was confirmed by Antoine Vey, the French lawyer of the two players, following a report from Le Parisien.

Players released after a month in preventive detention

This request for dismissal comes a few days after the release of the two players on Monday, August 12. Indeed, the Mendoza prosecutor’s office determined that “sufficient evidence has not been gathered” to justify their continued detention. However, as the investigation continues, the two players must remain in Argentina.

Accusations of rape by a 39-year-old woman

A 39-year-old Argentine woman accuses the two 21-year-old players of raping her in a hotel room in Mendoza, 1,000 km from Buenos Aires, after a night of heavy drinking in a bar. This night took place in the presence of members of the French national rugby team celebrating.

Players’ version

Since the beginning of the investigation, the two 21-year-old rugby players have admitted to having had a sexual relationship with the plaintiff. However, they claim that this relationship was consensual and categorically deny the rape accusations.

Article Source: Francetvinfo

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