"Le Nouveau Front populaire est arrivé premier, aucun ne le reconnaît", déclare Sandrine Rousseau, députée Les Écologistes - NFP de Paris
          Chaque vendredi, dans l'émission #OnVousRépond, Gilles Bornstein reçoit une personnalité politique pour commenter l'actualité de la semaine et donner la parole aux spectateurs qui peuvent directement poser leurs questions.

Sandrine Rousseau declares that the New Popular Front came in first, but no one recognizes it.

Every Friday, the program #OnVousRépond, hosted by Gilles Bornstein, welcomes a political guest to analyze the events of the week and allow viewers to express themselves by directly asking their questions. Sandrine Rousseau speaks about the possibility of proposing Huguette Bello as Prime Minister Sandrine Rousseau, deputy of Les Écologistes – NFP from Paris, participated…

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La future élection de Gabriel Attal à la tête du groupe Renaissance ne règle ni "la ligne politique", ni "le fonctionnement du parti", estime Gérald Darmanin
          "Les élections au sein du groupe ne règlent cependant en aucun cas les deux problèmes majeurs qui sont les nôtres", écrit le ministre de l'Intérieur, réélu député dans le Nord, dans un SMS envoyé vendredi aux députés Renaissance.

According to Gérald Darmanin, the election of Gabriel Attal as the head of the Renaissance group does not solve either the party’s political line or its functioning.

The Minister of the Interior, re-elected as a deputy in the North, expressed in a message sent to Renaissance deputies that the elections within the group do not solve the two major problems they are facing. Call for unity within the Renaissance group in the National Assembly Gérald Darmanin sent a text message to the…

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    Législatives 2024 : "Les Français ne veulent pas qu'on livre la France aux extrêmes", estime Rachida Dati
          La ministre de la Culture se dit opposée à un gouvernement issu du Nouveau Front populaire. "On ne veut pas que le pays soit dirigé par un gouvernement dont les idées sont minoritaires en France", explique-t-elle.

Video: Rachida Dati believes that “The French do not want us to hand France over to extremists”

According to the Minister of Culture, it is clearly stated that she strongly opposes the idea of a government coming from the Nouveau Front populaire. Her statements highlight her willingness to not see the country being led by a political entity whose ideas are not widely shared within the French population. She thus emphasizes her…

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Législatives 2024 : cheminot, agricultrice, éditorialiste, militant antifasciste... Voici neuf députés aux profils peu communs qui entrent à l'Assemblée nationale
          De nouveaux députés ont fait leur entrée en début de semaine au Palais-Bourbon, dont quelques figures issues de la société civile au profil atypique, et parfois polémique.

Nine deputies with unusual profiles elected during the 2024 Legislative Elections took office at the National Assembly at the beginning of the week.

At the beginning of the week, recently elected officials have made their appearance in the National Assembly, among whom are personalities from civil society, with atypical or even controversial profiles. Many outgoing deputies and new faces entered the National Assembly during the parliamentary reentry on July 8 and 9, awaiting the first plenary session on…

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Législatives : le député MoDem Erwan Balanant milite pour une "majorité solide" allant "de la droite modérée jusqu'aux écologistes"
          L'élu breton fait écho à la lettre aux Français publiée mercredi dans la presse régionale par Emmanuel Macron.

Legislative elections: MoDem deputy Erwan Balanant advocates for a “strong majority” of moderate right to ecologists, echoing Emmanuel Macron.

The elected representative of Brittany responds to the publication of the letter addressed to the French by Emmanuel Macron in the regional newspapers on Wednesday. “Learning to work together to build a strong majority” The MoDem deputy from Finistère, Erwan Balanant, emphasized the need to learn to compromise and work together. This statement follows the…

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Législatives 2024 : la gauche souhaite priver le RN de postes à responsabilités dans la nouvelle Assemblée
          À gauche, les reponsables politiques sont convaincus qu'accorder des postes de vice-présidents, questeurs ou secrétaires à l'extrême droite contribue à sa notabilisation. L'ex-majorité présidentielle est tiraillée.

The left wants to prevent the RN from obtaining key positions in the Assembly during the 2024 Legislative elections.

On the side of left-wing politicians, there is a belief that assigning positions of vice-presidents, questors or secretaries to the far right can help strengthen its legitimacy. This causes tensions within the former presidential majority. After the election of a president of the National Assembly on Thursday, July 18, there will be 21 important positions…

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Rachida Dati Criticized by Archaeologists for her Archaeology Reform

French archaeologists are angry after recent statements by Rachida Dati regarding the reform of regulations for preventive archaeology. This reform, proposed by the Minister of Culture, aims to reduce the obligations of archaeological excavations before construction work. Controversial Statements by Rachida Dati The controversy erupted after Rachida Dati stated that there should no longer be…

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The beatification of Robert Badinter, a symbol of national unity around his values, praised by Henri Leclerc

Although Henri Leclerc’s friend is not attracted to the distinctions of the Republic, he considers that including Robert Badinter in the Pantheon would have a symbolic significance of great importance, especially in a time when the values he embodied are deteriorating. Lawyer Henri Leclerc, honorary president of the League of Human Rights, spoke on Wednesday,…

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Reliability of polls for the 2024 Legislative Elections: statistical rules to be followed

Opinion polls on voting intentions are multiplying in the media and are starting to influence the course of the electoral campaign for the legislative elections. Monitoring Opinion Polls for Legislative Elections For the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, attention inevitably focuses on voting intention polls. These polls are based on the law…

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