Les départements littoraux de Nouvelle-Aquitaine concernés par un "risque maximal" de baïnes demain et samedi
          Cette alerte concerne les plages des Landes, des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, de la Gironde et de la Charente-Maritime.

The coastal departments of Nouvelle-Aquitaine on maximum alert for rip currents tomorrow and Saturday.

There is currently an alert for beaches located in the departments of Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Gironde, and Charente-Maritime. Alert for rip currents on the coast of Nouvelle-Aquitaine Authorities in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region have classified Friday and Saturday as “maximum risk days for rip currents” on the coast. This alert concerns the beaches of Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Gironde,…

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États-Unis : "Joe Biden est dans le déni total", affirme le politologue Denis Lacorne
          Interviewé par la télévision américaine, Joe Biden a assuré être en état de remporter l'élection présidentielle. Invité du 12/13 info, Denis Lacorne, politologue et spécialiste de l’histoire politique des États-Unis, estime que son entourage lui masque la réalité.

Denis Lacorne claims that Joe Biden is in complete denial regarding the presidential election in the United States.

During an interview with American television, Joe Biden expressed confidence in his chances of winning the presidential election. However, according to Denis Lacorne, a political scientist and expert in US political history, the Democratic candidate’s entourage could be hiding the reality of the situation from him. Indeed, it seems that some members of his team…

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L'ex-maire de Canteleu est relaxée des accusations de complicité de trafic de drogues
          Si le tribunal a noté un "affaiblissement des garde-fous déontologiques" de Mélanie Boulanger, il a en revanche considéré qu'il n'y avait dans le dossier aucun "acte positif" susceptible de caractériser une complicité.

The former mayor of Canteleu acquitted of complicity in drug trafficking charges

The court found that Mélanie Boulanger’s ethical standards were weakened, but also emphasized that no concrete evidence established her complicity in this case. Mélanie Boulanger Acquitted The court of Bobigny decided on Thursday, July 4, to acquit Mélanie Boulanger, former mayor of Canteleu (Seine-Maritime), of the charges of complicity in drug trafficking. Despite noting a…

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La journaliste d'Arrêt sur images, Nassira El Moaddem, annonce faire l'objet de menaces de mort sur un site d'extrême droite
          Il s'agit du même site internet d'extrême droite ayant publié une liste d'avocats "à éliminer".

The journalist of the show Arrêt sur images, Nassira El Moaddem, stated that she has received death threats on an extreme right website, the same site that had published a list of lawyers “to be eliminated”.

Once again, it is the same far-right political website that has published a list of lawyers it considers targets to be eliminated. Online death threats against journalist Nassira El Moaddem On July 1, 2024, the far-right website ‘Réseau Libre’, known for its calls to eliminate certain lawyers, published a text threatening the life of journalist…

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Le gouvernement dément la suspension prochaine de la loi immigration, annoncée par le "JDD"
          La "fausse information" a aussitôt été démentie par le Premier ministre Gabriel Attal, le ministre de l'Intérieur Gérald Darmanin et la porte-parole de l'exécutif Prisca Thevenot, vendredi, peu avant la fin de la campagne pour les élections législatives.

The government denies the imminent suspension of the immigration law, announced by “JDD”.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, and government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot quickly refuted the “false information” on Friday, just before the end of the campaign for the legislative elections. The government criticizes a controversial approach The government plans to suspend the immigration law, as reported by the Journal du Dimanche on Friday, July…

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Présidentielle américaine : Joe Biden "est dans un moment très difficile et inédit, où il doit regagner la confiance de son propre camp"
          Le président américain, qui a paru fragilisé et amoindri lors d'un débat face à Donald Trump, a tenté de rassurer ses électeurs vendredi dans une interview télévisée.

Joe Biden must regain the trust of his own camp in a very difficult and unprecedented moment in the American presidential election.

During a televised interview broadcast on Friday, the American president sought to reassure his supporters following his performance in a debate against Donald Trump that was judged to be unconvincing. He seemed weakened and diminished during the exchange, but wanted to show that he was still able to defend his beliefs. Joe Biden defends his…

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"Des coups de poing, des coups de pied, des griffures" : une enquêtrice de la SPA de Bayonne violemment agressée par deux femmes dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques
          La victime de 67 ans s'est rendue, accompagnée d'un ami, au domicile de deux femmes à Saint-Jean-de-Luz après des signalements de maltraitance sur leur chien.

An animal welfare investigator from the Bayonne Animal Protection Society was assaulted by two women in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

The 67-year-old person went to visit two women in Saint-Jean-de-Luz with a friend, following reports of cruelty towards their pet. An inspector from the Bayonne SPA attacked in Saint-Jean-de-Luz An inspector from the Bayonne SPA (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) was violently attacked by two women on Wednesday in Saint-Jean-de-Luz as she was going to their home, reports France…

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