Nelly, Retired Johnny Hallyday Fan: A Touching Life

Benjamin Illy reveals the poignant story of Nelly, a 73-year-old retiree living in Saint-Denis, whose unwavering passion for Johnny Hallyday cannot be disputed. But Nelly is not just a fan of the famous singer. She embodies a certain idea of France, made of shared moments of joy, intense emotions, rock’n’roll music, and strong family ties symbolized by the presence of Laura Smet.

A Morning Meeting in Saint-Denis

Early in the morning in Saint-Denis, I find Nelly in a conversation with Hassan, one of her friends. The meeting seems random, without any prior arrangement. Hassan, a former volunteer colleague at the Restos du Coeur with Nelly, expresses without being asked for his testimony: “Thanks to her, I became a volunteer too.” Before becoming a volunteer, Hassan was first a beneficiary, but he had difficulties asking for help. It was in this moment of doubt that Nelly reached out to him and encouraged him to turn to the Restos. Grateful, he declares, “Thank you to her!” and Nelly humbly replies, “you’re welcome, my darling!”

Heading to the Restaurants du Cœur in Saint-Denis

We then head to the Restaurants du Cœur in Saint-Denis, where Nelly volunteered for seven years. She feels no shame in admitting that she was a beneficiary. Over 900 meals are served there every week, but donations are no longer sufficient to meet the growing needs. The demand is increasing, especially from retirees, students, and refugees. Nelly’s former colleagues give her a warm welcome, full of hugs and affectionate words, showing their nostalgia. And of course, Nelly used to sing Johnny for them.

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Morale Decreases When Resources Diminish

A year ago, Nelly took a step back, leaving the Restos du Cœur. The other volunteers understand her decision because even they, when resources are running low, feel a decrease in morale. Nelly also mentions the lack of recognition from some beneficiaries who don’t even bother to say hello or thank you anymore. Fati, a volunteer, provides nuance by stating: “There are those who cannot accept that they are obliged to come to the Restos” and “we take it upon ourselves and try to be kind to people.”

“To Work at the Restos du Cœur, You Must Have a Character Better than Your Appearance!”

Nelly is a person with a strong personality, who has never stopped reaching out to the most disadvantaged. She turned to another association in Saint-Denis, Marhaba, which has set up a solidarity grocery store. Nelly now runs the cash register there and feels more comfortable in this smaller structure, offering less pressure and the possibility of establishing genuine exchanges with the beneficiaries. She has even become friends with Souad, the founder of Marhaba, whom she describes as “a whirlwind,” a second Nelly. Souad proudly defends her principle of “Giving everyone a chance” and her vision of France based on “brotherhood and benevolence.”

An Eternal Passion for Johnny Hallyday

Before we part ways, Nelly asks me to call her. The ringtone on her phone is the song “Retiens la nuit” by Johnny Hallyday. A moment that closes our meeting beautifully, illustrating how much Johnny continues to rhythm Nelly’s life. Her passion for rock’n’roll and her dedication to others make her an emblematic figure of Saint-Denis, reminding everyone of the importance of mutual aid and solidarity.

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The journey of Nelly, a fan of Johnny Hallyday, is a true inspiration, showing how a passion can give the strength to help others and remain resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

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