Four dead in shooting on the sidelines of a birthday party in Allier

Une tuerie en marge d'une fête d'anniversaire dans l'Allier fait quatre morts
          Après avoir tué trois personnes, l'auteur des tirs est lui-même mort. "L'hypothèse la plus probable" est que l'assaillant ait "retourné l'arme contre lui après avoir tiré", a déclaré le procureur de Moulins.

Following the death of three people caused by the shooter, the latter also lost his life. The prosecutor of Moulins has put forward the hypothesis that the attacker may have turned his weapon on himself after committing the murders.

A shooting breaks out at a birthday party in Espinasse-Vozelle

An individual opened fire, on the sidelines of a birthday party, on Saturday, July 13, in Espinasse-Vozelle in a small village in Allier, announced the prefect of the department. Four people died, including the shooter. Four other people are in relative emergency, without their prognosis being engaged, said the prosecutor of Cusset, Eric Neveu.

The circumstances of the shooting

A family party was being held in the village to celebrate the twentieth birthday of a young man. Around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, a neighbor, who was not attending the family party, arrived on a path that connects his home to the house where the party was taking place before opening fire, said the prosecutor of Moulins, Jérôme Piques. The young man whose birthday was being celebrated, as well as his father and a guest, were killed.

The investigation and statements from authorities

“The most likely hypothesis” is that the attacker “turned the weapon on himself after firing,” said Jérôme Piques, ensuring that no exchange of gunfire took place. The shooter is “apparently” unknown to the police and the judiciary, added the prosecutor. According to the prefecture, which confirms the death toll of four and four injured, “there are also about fifteen people involved, witnesses to the events, who are receiving psychological support.”

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Article source: Francetvinfo

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