bnp paribas epargne & retraite entreprises​

Épargne et retraite d’entreprise : on te dit tout sur les plans BNP Paribas !

So, you’re working and you’re thinking: “Why not start preparing for my retirement?” Or maybe it’s your employer who brought up the topic? In either case, you’re probably wondering about employee savings plans and corporate retirement plans. Because yes, retirement seems far away, but preparing for the future is always a good idea. And if,…

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Plateya: The new reference for freelance office managers and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

At a time when work flexibility is taking on an increasingly important role in the professional landscape, a promising new initiative is emerging: Plateya. Supported by Les Pépites Tech, this innovative platform is set to redefine the way executives of TPE-SMEs and freelance office managers collaborate. With a launch scheduled for September 1, 2024 for…

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