American presidents, such as Truman and Johnson, who had given up running for the White House before Joe Biden.

Retrait de Joe Biden : ces autres présidents américains, dont Truman et Johnson, qui ont jeté l'éponge
          Joe Biden n'est pas le seul à s'être retiré en pleine course à la Maison Blanche dans l'histoire des Etats-Unis. Avant lui, d'autres présidents américains ont renoncé à se présenter à l'élection présidentielle.

In the political history of the United States, Joe Biden is not the first candidate to withdraw from the race for the White House. In fact, several American presidents have made the decision not to run for the presidential election before him. This demonstrates that the withdrawal of a candidate during a campaign is not a rare event in American politics.

Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race for the American presidency

Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the race for the American presidency on Sunday, July 21st. This decision was praised worldwide. In reaction to this announcement, francetvinfo looks back on other political figures who have made the same decision in the past.

Withdrawals under pressure

One of the most striking withdrawals is that of Harry Truman in 1952. Faced with growing unpopularity, he decided not to run for a second term. Indeed, the Democratic president was weakened by corruption scandals and the war in Korea.

In 1968, it was the turn of the Democrat Lyndon Johnson to withdraw from running for re-election in the midst of the Vietnam War. His poor performance in the primary in New Hampshire had weakened him. In both cases, the Democratic candidates who replaced them ended up losing to the Republican candidates, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon.

Withdrawals by personal choice

In 1908, Theodore Roosevelt also decided not to run for re-election. After completing his second term, he stated that he would not seek a third. According to the Republican, a president should not stay in power for too long.

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As for Calvin Coolidge, in 1928, he chose not to seek another term for more personal reasons. He wanted to preserve his privacy and avoid staying at the helm of the country for too long. Despite their withdrawals, the Republican Party retained the White House in both cases.

Withdrawals due to lack of party nomination

During the 19th century, several presidents were unable to run for a second term. John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and Chester Arthur had failed to obtain the nomination of their party.

Article Source: Francetvinfo

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