After the second round of the 2024 legislative elections: what parliamentary calendar is ahead?

Législatives 2024 : quel calendrier parlementaire après le second tour ?
          Dimanche, lors du second tour des législatives, 501 députés doivent être élus. À partir de lundi, les parlementaires auront plusieurs rendez-vous importants à honorer.

On Sunday, the Nouveau Front Populaire won the early legislative elections in the second round, surpassing the presidential majority and the Rassemblement National. Now, it’s time to focus on the next steps to come.

The Nouveau Front Populaire comes first in early legislative elections

The Nouveau Front Populaire caused a surprise by winning the early legislative elections that took place on Sunday, July 7th. According to the latest official figures from the Ministry of the Interior, the Nouveau Front Populaire won 178 elected deputies, including 146 in the second round. In second place, the presidential movement Ensemble! won 150 seats, with 148 deputies elected in the second round. The Rassemblement National and its allies are in third position with 143 seats, including 104 acquired in the second round.

Negotiations for an elusive majority

Following this surprise, it is now time to start negotiations to form a majority. The first step after the elections is to proclaim the official results, an operation that will take place starting on Monday, July 8th, after the counting in all polling stations. The composition of the new National Assembly will then be known, and the schedule will extend until the end of July.

Formation of parliamentary groups before July 18th

According to Article 12 of the Constitution, the National Assembly meets as of right on the second Thursday following its election. Thus, the meeting is set for July 18th. This leaves about ten days for the different political formations to form parliamentary groups, comprising at least 15 deputies. They will also have to appoint the presidents of these groups, as well as designate candidates for important positions in the Assembly (president, vice-president, questors…).

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First plenary session on July 18th

On July 18th, all deputies are expected at the Palais-Bourbon for the official opening of the 17th legislature during a plenary session. This session is chaired by the dean of the hemicycle, assisted by the six youngest deputies. The election of the president of the National Assembly, who is the fourth-ranking official in the State, takes place by secret ballot. Each group also submits its list of members to the presidenc…

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